

更新时间:05-19 16:39:11作者:李一老师




The people in the United States speak the same language as the people in Great Britain. However, American English is different from British English in many ways. There are a few differences in grammar. For example, speakers of British English say "in hospital" and "Have you a pen?" Americans say "in the hospital" and "Do you have a pen?" Pronunciation is sometimes different. Americans usually sound the "r" in words like "bird" and "hurt". Some speakers of British English do not sound the "r" in these words. Some spellings are different. People in Britain write "colour" and "centre", but people in the United States write "color" and "center". Some words are different. People in the United States use "gasoline" in their cars, but people in Britain use "petrol".

41. American English and British English are different in _________.

   A. spelling           B. pronunciation      C. grammar            D. all of the above

42. "Gasoline" and "petrol" are ________.

   A. the same thing       B. different in color  C. different kinds of cars  D. different things

43. Here are four words: ○1honor, ○2petrol, ○3theater, ○4centre. ________ are American English.

   A. ○1○2○3           B. ○2○3○4         C. ○1○4               D. ○1○3


Most of the time magicians(魔术师)give good shows, but every magician has given show that was terrible or has tried to do a trick that didn't go right. Howard Thurston, a famous magician, made some interesting mistakes on the stage (舞台).

Thurston did a famous Indian trick with a girl. The girl climbed into a box. Then the box was pulled up above the stage. Thurston shouted, "Iasia, garawallah, go! " The box opened --- and the girl was gone. "Wonderful! Wonderful! "

One night, after the show, a man asked the magician, "Please tell me where you learned your magic words? "

Thurston answered, "I have traveled in India and often heard ‘garawallah’ in the streets there. I thought it was a good word for an Indian trick. "The man smiled and said, "I'm from India. That word means ‘Hey, bus!’ "

Another mistake stayed in Thurston's show. In one trick, he cut off the heads of two chickens and two ducks and put their bodies inside a magic box. Then he opened the box and found four living birds with heads on them. This is the trick having been done. The birds' heads were tied under their wings then false(假的) heads were tied on the birds before they were brought on the stage. Thurston cut off these false heads and put the birds in the box. His helper was also in the box. So after Thurston put the birds inside the box, his helper tied on false heads.

One night, the helper made a mistake. He tied the chicken heads on the ducks and then tied the duck heads on the chickens. The birds came out of the box, the people laughed and laughed.

44. "Garawallah" means _________.

A. after Thurston shouted the words, the girl was gone

B. the people in India ask for the traffic

C. the birds came out of the box and made the people laugh

D. it was a good word for an Indian trick

45. According to the story, which of the following is true?

A. The tricks of magicians never go wrong.

B. The Indian man wasn't interested in the magic words at all.

C. The birds' heads should be tied under the ducks' wings.

D. The people enjoyed watching magic tricks very much.

46. The best title(标题) of the story could be ___________.     .

A. A Careless Helper   B. A Magician's Mistakes    C. Good Shows       D. Terrible Tricks

47. In fact, the second trick was a wonderful show. Could you guess what excuse the magician would say?

A. Sorry, my helper has made a mistake.    B. Oh, dear! What's the matter with the birds?

C. Look! How magic my birds are!        D. Oh! I really don't know what has happened.


Henry is a boy of nine. Three years ago he began to go to school. He studies hard and does well in his lessons. His parents like him very much.

Henry's grandpa was a strong man. But once he lost a leg in a traffic accident. And now he can't work. He often tells the boy all kinds of interesting stories. Sometimes he makes a kite or a cage. And he teaches the boy how to catch the singing birds and how to give them food. The boy admires (佩服) him very much and always stays with him when he's free.

But Henry's mother didn't like the old man. She always thought him useless and dirty and didn't let her son play with him, but the boy didn't listen to her. When they sat at table, she put some food on another table and filled a broken bowl with rice or porridge. The old man was very sad but he dared not say anything.

Henry was angry with his mother about it. One day he saw a broken bowl on his way home. He picked it up and put it into his bag. His mother found it and asked, "Why have you brought a broken bowl home, dear? "

"I keep it for you," said Henry. "When you're old like my grandpa, I'll fill it with rice for you! "

Having heard this, the woman began to cry. Since then she's been good to the old man.

48. Henry’s parents like him very much because ________.

   A. he is good to his grandpa     B. he is a polite boy

   C. he does well in his lessons    D. he has learned to catch singing birds

49. Henry admires his grandpa because ________.

A. he tells him a lot of interesting stories

B. he knows how to catch singing birds and give them food

C. he can make kites and cages

D. he's a very able old man

50. Henry was angry with his mother because ________.

   A. she did nothing at home    B. she didn’t look after him

   C. she kept the broken bowl    D. she was bad to his grandpa

51. The woman was afraid ________, so she is good to the old man.

   A. her husband wouldn’t love her          

B. the police would know about her

   C. her son would be bad to her when she was old

   D. the old man wouldn’t leave her any money  



      Your homework habits might be affecting your grades. Are you feeling tired or bored when it comes to homework time? 52. ________________ You can change the way you feel by taking better care of your mind and your body.

Use a planner.

Did you know that poor organization skills can reduce(降低) your final scores? That's why you should learn to use a day planner the right way. Who wants a big "0" on a paper, just because we got lazy and didn't pay attention to the date? Nobody wants to get an "F" because of forgetfulness.

Talk with parents.

53. ________________ It sounds simple enough, but students don’t always realize how much parents care about their study. Whenever parents see a small mistake, they may be worried about it becoming a big failure(失败).

Get the sleep you need.

Studies show that teens' natural sleep patterns are different from those of adults. This may make them have trouble going to sleep at night and waking in the morning. 54. ________________    

55. ________________

    Do you often feel tired or sleepy? If you sometimes stop working on a project because you just don't have the energy, you can increase your energy level by changing your diet(饮食). One banana in the morning might increase your performance at school.

第II卷(非选择题 共56分)

五、单词拼写(共5小题,满分5分)   根据句意完成句中已给出首字母的单词。

请务必将  56—60  小题的答案写在答题卡的相应位置!

56. There is a f________ shop near our school. It sells bananas, apples and things like that.    

57. “W________”makes the same sound as the word “weather”.    

58. Nobody is q________ sure how many bikes there are in Hangzhou.      

59. Boys, stop t_________ stones at the poor dog.                     

60. Kate is very kind and h__________. She is always ready to help others.    








化学方程式配平口诀 诀窍有哪些



1.下列词语中加点字的字音和字形,全都正确的一组是( ) A.曲线(q?) 笨拙(zhu?) 磕睡(k?) 祈祷(q?) 归取其孥(n?) B.针炙(ji?) 珐琅(f?) 庇祐(p?) 傩送(nu?) 兔起鹘落(h?)


